Wednesday 9 December 2020

Lo Dough Salmon Fishcakes

 These can be frozen and then reheated for about 20 minutes.

• 2 piece of Lo-Dough, blitzed to a crumb

• 200g Tinned Salmon, drained well
• 1 small egg (approx 50g), beaten
• 40g of Philadelphia
• Parsley or dill

• Chopped onion
• Chopped celery
• 8 sprays of fry-light
• Salt and pepper


1. Add your all the ingredients to a bowl and mix well.

2. Using an ice cream scoop make 6 patties, flatten slightly.

3. Place in freezer for 30 minutes to harden

4. Oil a pan with the fry-light and on a medium heat, fry the patties for approx. 3-4 minutes on each side.

Each cake 2 Carbs / 230 Cals