Friday 1 January 2021

Iced Buns

  I made half the recipe and got 6 large buns. 

Author: Baking with Granny


  • 240 ml Milk
  • 140 g Caster Sugar
  • 14 g Easy Yeast (2 sachets)
  • 115 g Butter (softened)
  • 2 Free-range Eggs (beaten)
  • 300 g Plain Flour
  • 250 g Strong White Flour
  • 200 g Icing Sugar


1.             In a small pan warm the milk until it's just past lukewarm. Pour the milk into a large bowl.

2.             Add the sugar and yeast to the milk and gently stir with a spoon until the sugar has dissolved. Cover the bowl with a tea towel and let the mixture sit until the yeast is foamy; this should only take 5-10 minutes.

3.             Add the softened butter to the milk mixture and beat with a wooden spoon until it is broken into little pieces. Gradually add the eggs, ensuring they are mixed through.

4.             Gradually add the flours to the mixture whilst continuing to stir and bring the ingredients together. Once all ingredients are combined, continue to use your wooden spoon until you have a soft dough, at which point turn the dough out onto a well floured surface and begin to knead the dough.

5.             Continue to knead the dough for 10 minutes, before rolling it into a ball and transferring it to a lightly oiled bowl and covering with a damp tea towel. Leave the dough in a draught-free place until it has doubled in size (around 1-2 hours).

6.             Lightly grease a 12"x9" baking tin and set aside. Once your dough has doubled in size, turn it out onto a floured surface and knock back the dough, before evenly dividing into 12 pieces.

7.             Using your hands, form each piece of dough into a rough sausage-like shape before placing in two rows of 6 in your pre-greased baking tin. Cover again with a damp tea towel, leaving in a draught-free place until the buns have doubled in size (again, 1-2 hours).

8.             Once the buns have completed their second rise, bake them in a pre-heated oven at 180°c (160° for a fan assisted oven or Gas Mark 4) for 15-20 minutes until golden in colour and have a hollow-like sign when gently tapped on top.

9.                   Allow the buns to cool in their tin before icing. To ice the buns, mix 200g of icing sugar with a little cool water (start with a teaspoon and gradually add more as needed