Friday 16 August 2019

Salmon and Brocolli Quiche

I was making the Tomato Tart for a Buffet and had enough pastry left over to make this.

1 170g can John West Wild Pink or Red Salmon Skinless & Boneless
80g broccoli florets
2 eggs
150ml milk
Salt and pepper
1 pre-cooked savoury shortcrust pastry case
25g cheddar cheese – grated

Boil a pan of lightly salted water and part cook the broccoli florets for exactly 2 minutes. Drain and refresh in cold water, then put to one side to dry properly.
Place the John West Wild Pink or Red Salmon in one bowl.
Next, put the eggs and milk in another bowl and beat together briskly before seasoning with salt and pepper and adding to the salmon.
Pour this mixture into the pastry case, then push the broccoli florets firmly into the filling and sprinkle with grated cheddar cheese.
Finally, bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes until cooked thoroughly inside and out.