Saturday 23 October 2021

Somerset Apple Tart

 I used ready rolled pastry and put the brandy cream in the bottom, then topped with apples.

About 4-5 large apples

125ml single cream

1          medium free-range egg

35g      caster sugar OR vanilla caster sugar

2 tsp    Somerset apple brandy or brandy OR 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

3 tbsp  sieved apricot jam OR apricot glaze, warmed

Pastry case (bought or ready rolled pastry)

1. While the pastry case cools, peel and quarter the apples. Cut out the cores, then cut the apples into very thin slices. Arrange the apple slices, slightly overlapping, in the cooled pastry case, starting from the edge and working round in neat concentric circles. Make sure the pastry case is completely filled to the top, with no gaps, and the top layer looks pretty.

2. Measure the cream in a jug. Add the egg, sugar and brandy (or vanilla) and mix well until smooth. Slowly pour this mixture evenly over the apples, letting it seep through the layers.

3. Set the flan tin on the heated baking sheet in the oven and bake for about 35 minutes until the custard is just set when you jiggle the tart and the apples are a golden colour. Set the tin on a wire rack and quickly brush the top of the tart with apricot jam or glaze to give a glossy sheen. Carefully unmould the tart and leave to cool. Eat warm or at room temperature.