Friday 23 January 2015

Boston Cream Cake

I did not make the chocolate topping from this recipe as I had some bought chocolate fudge icing left from last week. Cake should make 9-10 slices which are about 10 WW points each slice. I made the cake in a loaf tin rather than a round.

·      1 box yellow cake mix and ingredients it calls for
·      2 tbsp caster sugar
·      2 tbsp cornstarch
·      5 fl oz milk
·      2 large eggs
·      6 tbsp to 1/2 cup heavy cream
·      1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
·      2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips
·      ¾ cup heavy whipping cream

Cook cake as instructed and cool overnight so that it will cut smoothly
Combine the cornstarch, sugar, milk, eggs, 6 tbsp cream, vanilla extract in a saucepan. Whisk until smooth.
Bring the custard to a boil over moderate heat, whisking constantly. Continuing to whisk, let the custard boil for two minutes.
Remove from heat and allow to cool before spreading on cake; if it is too thick whisk in some m ore cream.
Make chocolate ganache in microwave, spread on top of cake