Sunday 27 September 2015

Home-made Piccalilli

The start of Christmas :)

6 lb Vegetables cut into chunks
Cucumber, Marrow (no skin or seeds), Cauliflower, Small Onions, courgettes (no skin), carrots
6 pints water to 6 tbsp Salt
2 pint white vinegar
4 tsp mustard
4 tsp ginger 
8 tbsp Plain Flour
2 tsp turmeric

1.     Leave vegetables to soak overnight > 18-24 hours in salted water
2.     Mix mustard, ginger and some vinegar to smooth paste
3.     Rinse vegetables and place in large pan with paste and most of the remaining vinegar
4.     Mix flour, turmeric and remaining vinegar to smooth paste
5.     Bring vegetables to the boil and add flour paste mix
6.     Boil until sauce thickens (about 5-8 minutes)
7.     Place in clean jars