Wednesday 2 September 2015

Rhubarb Jam

I used up 4 sticks of Rhubarb from the garden and adjusted amounts from this recipe as the rhubarb weighed about 8oz and made just over 1 jar. I did use the whole juice from 1 orange and probably boiled for about 20 minutes to get a nice jam.

Makes 5 x 340g jars:
1kg (2lb 2oz) rhubarb (untrimmed weight)
900g jam sugar with added pectin
100ml freshly squeezed Seville or sweet orange juice
pinch of red food colouring

Wipe and trim the rhubarb and cut into 2–2.5cm chunks. Pour a layer of sugar into the bottom of a preserving pan, then add a layer of rhubarb. Repeat, continuing until all the sugar and rhubarb are used, finishing with a layer of sugar. Pour the orange juice over the top.
Cover and leave for at least an hour or two – preferably overnight. This draws the juice from the rhubarb and keeps it moist.
Gently bring the mixture to the boil, stirring carefully and boil rapidly for 5–6 minutes, then test for setting point. Remove from the heat and rest for 5 minutes before pouring into warm, sterilised jars.

Seal immediately, use within 12 months.