Sunday 29 January 2017


I made half the mix which was 6 - the icing was a little runny so I would add more icing sugar next time.

·         125g self raising flour
·         2 very ripe bananas
·         100g buttery spread
·         100g demera sugar
·         2 eggs
·         1tsp baking powder
·         12 tsp Carnation Caramel

·         100g Carnation Caramel
·         300g icing sugar
·         85g buttery spread*
·         slices of banana OR sweets, 3tbsp Carnation Caramel 

Oven Gas 5 Fan 160

Mash the bananas in a dish and set aside. In a separate large bowl add the flour, buttery spread, caster sugar eggs and baking powder and beat until light and creamy (use an electric hand mixer if you have one).

Fold in the mashed bananas. Spoon half the mixture into the cake cases, add a spoonful of caramel into each and top with the remaining cake mix.

Bake for about 20 minutes or until springy to the touch. Remove and cool.

Beat 100g caramel with the buttery spread and icing sugar to form a thick icing. Spoon into a piping bag with a fluted nozzle and pipe onto the cakes. Beat a few tablespoons of the caramel until smooth and drizzle over the icing. Top with a banana slice and chocolate dusting if you like!