Sunday 22 March 2020

My Mum's Bread Pudding

A lovely way to use up those crusts - I got 12 large squares

11 slices bread (crusts and slightly stale are good)
2 eggs
3oz sugar
4oz Margarine
6oz Fruit (Sultanas, Currants, Raisins)
1 ½ tbsp Black Treacle
1 tsp Mixed Spice
½ tsp Nutmeg

1.    Heat Oven Gas mark 2 (150c)
2.    Soak bread in water for about 2 hours
3.    Squeeze water out of bread
4.    Cut margarine into small pieces
5.    Mix all ingredients well together
6.    Place in a large baking dish
7.    Bake for 2 to 2 ½ hours until solid
8.    Sprinkle with sugar (if desired)
  1.     Cut into squares