Thursday 13 August 2015

Chester Cake - Low Fat

I was doing out the deep freeze and found some crusts that I had been keeping for a bread pudding; as I also had some left-over pastry decided to make a low fat version of the Chester Cake. I found a version on the internet that had an egg and some flour so was a little lighter than my previous version. My pastry only did for half the mix so I made the rest without using 2 loaf tins. They came out a good size.

10 slices of white bread (old crusts are good)
1 cup cold tea (made with 2 tea bags)
4 oz Plain Flour
1 tbsp Baking Powder
2 oz Brown Sugar
2 tbsp Black Treacle
1 tbsp Golden Syrup
1 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1 egg
4 oz currants or mixed dried fruit
Shortcrust Pastry rolled and pricked
8 tbsp Icing Sugar made to pouring consistency (optional)

Break bread into small pieces and soak in tea mashing well
Mix in rest of ingredients
If making with pastry line the bottom of the tin first with half
Add mix and place remaining pastry on top
Cook on Gas 5 / Fan 150 for 30-40 minutes until a skewer comes out clean
Can be iced if required