Tuesday 31 March 2015

Cheats Biscuit Pot Pie

Was going to have chicken kievs with salad but its been so cold went for comfort food. As I did not have fresh vegetables I used a frozen casserole mix with a few boiled new potatoes. The original recipe used pre-bought biscuit dough but I wanted to make my own.

Olive Oil
3 Carrots sliced
1 small onion chopped
2 ribs of celery chopped
1/2 cup frozen peas
4 chicken breasts cubed
1 can chicken soup
1/2 can milk or enough for a good sauce
1/2 tsp dried thyme
Salt & Pepper

2 cups SR Flour
1 1/2 oz Butter
2 oz Lard
1 cup Buttermilk (OR 1 cup milk to 1 tbsp lemon juice)

Make biscuits by making flour and fats into breadcrumbs then stir in enough buttermilk to make a dough. Roll on floured surface and cut into 8-12 rounds. Keep in fridge till required, you can brush with egg to get a nice golden look.

1. Fry onion in oil till slightly brown - set aside
2. Fry chicken until brown all over and stir in thyme, salt & pepper
3. Boil vegetables (except peas) for 10 minutes then add peas for 5
4. Mix all ingredients in casserole dish with soup and milk
Can rest here till required

5. Cook in oven for 10 minutes Gas 6 Fan 170
6. Place biscuits on top and cook for 15 minutes or until done

    Tuesday 17 March 2015

    Potato Cakes

    As its St. Patrick's day and I wanted a change from mash I made half of this mix for 4 pancakes using 2 medium small potatoes.

    2 cups of cold mashed potato
    2 eggs
    1/4 cup milk
    Finely chopped onion or chives
    salt & pepper
    tsp baking powder
    plain flour

    Mix mashed potato with eggs, salt & pepper
    Add chives or onion
    Add baking powder and enough flour to be able to make a soft dough
    Scoop and flatten dough into rounds
    Heat a skillet with some cooking oil over medium high heat. I use olive oil
    Add the rounds to the hot oil and fry til golden brown on both sides.
    Take the browned potato pancake out of the oil and drain on a clean towel.

    Tuesday 10 March 2015

    Creamy Chicken and Herb Skillet

    This is about 7 WW points a portion so will go nicely with the veggie gratin.

    4 chicken breasts cut into smaller portions
    1/3 onion finely diced
    1 tbsp Olive Oil
    64 g Boursin Herb and Garlic Cheese
    1/2 pint chicken broth
    Fresh Parsley chopped

    Season chicken and cook in olive oil till brown and tender (15-20 minutes)
    Add diced onion for last 3 minutes
    Add stock and boursin cheese
    Heat gently for 2 minutes then add in fresh herbs

    If you like a thicker sauce add in some white granules or cornflour
    Recipe adapted from iowagirleats.com/

    Veggie Gratin

    Had some left-over cauliflower and spinach so made a vegetable gratin similar to my potato lyonnaise. The gratin serves 4 and is 6 WW points per person.

    3 medium potatoes
    1 onion
    4 cauliflower florets cut up small
    2 good handfuls of spinach
    Salt & Pepper
    1/4 pint milk
    4 tbsp light cream
    80g Grated Cheddar Cheese

    Slice the potatoes and onions thinly
    Boil the potatoes and onion in salted water for 15 minutes; add the cauliflower for the last 5
    Strain veggies and layer with spinach in a casserole dish
    Pour over milk and cream mix
    Sprinkle with pepper and cheese
    Bake for 25-30 minutes; grill the top if it doe not brown

    Sunday 8 March 2015

    Lemon Loaf

    Fancied something lemony to have after Roast Lamb

    5oz Self Raising Flour
    4oz Butter softened
    3oz Caster Sugar
    2 Eggs
    2 Tbsp Lemon Curd
    Zest of a lemon

    6oz Icing Sugar
    2oz Butter softened
    2 tbsp Lemon juice
    2 tbsp double cream

    1. Cream butter and sugar
    2. Beat in eggs and half the flour
    3. Stir in remainder of flour and lemon curd
    4. Bake for 35 to 45 minutes until cake done Gas 3 Fan 140
    5. Allow to cool before icing

    Whip double cream till thick
    Beat butter icing sugar and lemon juice till creamy
    Stir in cream
    Pipe over cake and decorate as desired

    Cut into 12 portions and these will be 7 WW points each

    Thursday 5 March 2015

    Salmon Casserole

    This dish is based on one I found on the Internet that used Pasta and crushed Ritz biscuits which I have replaced with potatoes. Very nice and creamy and 13 WW points per serving; I cooked half the recipe for 2 of us.

    • 4 cooked salmon steaks (I used pre-bought steamed ones)
    • 1 cup frozen peas
    • 1 large carrot finely chopped
    • 1/4 onion finely diced
    • 1 can condensed cream of celery soup
    • 1 can milk (use empty can from above)
    • 1/4 cup light mayonnaise
    • Salt & Black Pepper
    • 8 New Potatoes diced
    • 2 Old Potatoes thinly sliced

    Boil new potatoes and carrot for 10 minutes then add peas and onion for 5 minutes more
    Boil sliced potatoes for 10-15 minutes separately
    Mix soup, milk and mayonnaise
    Combine vegetables and soup mix; Season with some salt and pepper
    Lay sliced potatoes on top and sprinkle with some chives
    Cook in the oven Gas mark 5 / Fan 160 for 25-30 minutes till nice and brown on top.

    Wednesday 4 March 2015

    Alice Springs Steakhouse Chicken

    I did this tonight using a mix of Cheddar and Mozzarella about 40 g per person - everyone loved it :)

    • Grated Cheddar
    • Grated Jack Cheese
    • Fresh Mushrooms
    • Chicken Breast
    • Honey Mustard Sauce
    • Bacon
    • Lemon Juice

    Cook the bacon on foil in the oven for 15-20 minutes then put the bacon on paper towel and por the fat into a frying pan.
    Flatten chicken breasts and season with salt & pepper; Fry in the bacon fat till nice and brown.
    Place chicken in a baking dish and coat with honey mustard about 1 tbsp per breast.
    Drizzle a little olive oil over medium heat and add fresh mushrooms (about 1/2 cup per chicken breast).  Saute mushrooms until soft and golden and cooked through.
    Squeeze fresh lemon juice over the top of the chicken breast- about a teaspoon is plenty.
    Roughly chop 2-3 slices of bacon and add to the top of the chicken.
    Next put the mushrooms over the top of the chicken.
    Sprinkle the jack and cheddar cheese over the very top.
    Bake at 350° for about 15 minutes.