Wednesday 24 December 2014

Ann's Curried Chicken & Rice

Super recipe that I had from my sister-in-law over 20 years ago

6 oz long grain rice
8 tbsp mayonnaise - I used light
1-2 tbsp curry paste - I used 4 tsp Pataks Tikka Marsala
Little grated orange rind
Black pepper
4 rings canned pineapple
8 oz cooked chicken - I had about 10 oz left from last Sundays joint

Cook the rice in boiling water till tender then rinse under cold water and let cool completely
Place half round a dish as a border
Shred the chicken into pieces
Finely chop 2 pineapple rings
Mix all ingredients well together
Place in center of border and decorate with a little more orange rind and the other 2 pineapple rings
Chill till required