Wednesday 17 December 2014

New York Cheesecake

I cheated with this and used a bought sweet pastry case as I am no good at making pastry. I used up some of my frozen strawberries to make a sauce.

2 x 8oz of Philadelphia Cheese
1 cup buttermilk - you can substitute yogurt
2 eggs
1/4 cup sugar
1 heaped tbsp cornstarch
2 tsp vanilla extract

Beat the cheese then mix in the cornstarch and vanilla
Beat the eggs with the sugar then add the buttermilk
Mix the egg mix into the cheese - do not over beat

Pour the batter into the pastry case - I raised up the sides of the foil to stop it overflowing

Bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes then at 200 degrees for an hour
Allow to cool in the oven for 3 hours
Chill overnight

Strawberry sauce made with 1 cup frozen strawberries; zest from 1/2 lemon and sugar to taste
Just heat through in a saucepan mashing the strawberries as they defrost