Wednesday 17 December 2014

Savoury Rolls

I made these for Christmas Eve and froze them; up North I believe they are known as Stovies

1 packet ready rolled shortcrust pastry
1 tin corned beef
1 large onion finely chopped
Mashed potato - I had a packet to use up
1 egg beaten

Break up the corned beef and mash together with the onion
Add enough mashed potato to give a 50/50 mix
Bind with half of the egg

Roll the pastry out a little thinner so you can get 3 reasonable size strips
Put some potato mix in the center of each strip
Wet the edges with water and roll the strips into large sausages
Cut the sausages into portions - I made 11 from each
Place on baking tray and snip the middle of each piece
Place in fridge for 10 minutes
Put Oven on to Fan 160

Brush tops of rolls with the beaten egg
Cook for 15 minutes or till nicely brown
These can be frozen when cold and reheated later

I also made a variation adding some additional chopped beetroot
Another variation is to add peas and some curry powder